Healing happens in the in between spaces, the liminal space. It doesn’t always respond to doing, speaking, or action... not always. Because often the deep unconscious is running much of the show.

Much of the time it happens in the quiet breath, in the shift into being and opening ones light body to Receiving. We’re so used to orienting towards doing and action and thinking and our light body mirrors this by shutting down energetic sensors and receptacles of receiving. The energy tendrils aren’t activated in this way for receptivity, until we ignite them. 

I invite you to “intend” for your lightbody to receive the light of this universe and the love of this universe. Become a deep drinker of the medicine. Decide to ignite your receiving channel and then feel the cocoon of light around you that is your personal energy field and begin to allow this as if it is your second skin to receive the light. You can feel it breathing and drinking in from this shift of perception. Your light body is your second skin. It releases and receives and informs you of information. You can ignite this mechanism by consciously becoming aware of it and choosing to focus on what is needed.

At any moment in the busyness when you forget and you’ve lost the spaceiousness, pause, and feel your body. Then take a deep breath. Orient towards receiving the light that you are floating in that you are made of that is percolating and sparkling inside of every cell of your body. TURN IT ON LIKE A LIGHTBULB. You will not be disappointed. This light will never let you down. You may not feel or see the result the way that you want in the moment, but it will change you. Remember to pause and rest and receive and allow what is around you to support you consciously. Then you have increased power from this matrix of support around you and within you. This Living Light Is now activated for you.

Call on your guides, the legions of light and angels that surround you and ask them to work on you to balance you and bring what is needed for your ultimate illumination and well-being. In this quiet space, allow yourself to enter an altered state through conscious connected breathing and allowing the mind to drift away, so that only breath and energy is left. In this nonlinear space, your energy can be shifted in ways that will affect and change the matter of your body and material reality of your life.

You then have entered your own shamanic journey.

Bless you all beautiful friends. 

All my love,
Isa Lara Marié
