Are You In A Trance?

A Shamanic/Quantum Perspective

I pray as you receive this, that you may be feeling peace and support in your life through your journey of coming home to who you really are. This is not always an easy journey, but I have found it to be rich, profound, and what we are truly here for.

I know of no greater work to focus upon than the “undoing” of ourselves, and what has been placed upon us as untruths, that which we inflict upon ourselves and that which we have absorbed from the world.

At times, out of conditioning and habits, we may be in a trance.

Are you in a trance?

The word trance can mean a lot of different things. I am using it as “a state which we are unconsciously stuck in where we are not utilizing full awareness or volition.” When we are in a trance we are caught in habitual, robotic-like behavior and thoughts, without presence.

There are many different kinds of trance states. There may be a shopping trance, an “I’m not enough" trance, an “I don’t have enough time" trance, a sex trance, a romantic trance, work trance, and the list goes on and on. That means that we are caught in a set of behaviors, internal and external, where we are not fully present and some part of our unconscious is running the show.

Often when we are in a trance, we are in some other aspect of our psyche or what’s called a sub-personality, which I have found everyone to have, a range of parts of self on a spectrum, some more extreme than others.. The very nature of life and dealing with egoic structure creates this mechanism of separation until we integrate ourselves back into wholeness.

How do you know if you’re in a trance?

Here are some of the qualities that I have found to be true in a trance state:

  • A sense of narrowness or one-pointed focus where the bigger picture is not seen.

  • Having blinders on and feeling like you’re on auto pilot.

  • A sense of a loss of time and awareness of your surroundings.

  • A fog around you or a cloudiness or spaciness.

  • Energy congestion up in the head with a feeling of static or fuzziness.

  • Lack of sensing your body.

  • Lack of sensing your breath.

  • Find interruptions and pauses difficult, causing irritation or stress.

  • Hard to stop what you're doing.

  • Compulsion.

It is possible to have strong focus, where we have the bandwidth to shift gears, to sense our body and breath, and to make conscious choices, without entering a trance state.

How do we come out of a trance?

I recommend naming out loud: “I’m caught in a trance state and I am going to come back into presence now.”

There is great power in the word, the spoken word, and it gives a message from the frontal cortex to the limbic brain knowledge about what is actually occurring. Then the brain can inform the body and it organizes around that.

Next, take a deep breath, pause, look around the room to orient yourself, and choose to exit the state, coming back into presence.

If that is not enough, then ask if there is some part of you sourcing the trance that wants to tell you something and needs your help. Then, sit down and speak with that aspect of yourself, offering empathy, support and guidance. As illumination comes, exiting the trance becomes possible and freedom ensues.

I have found one of the most profound techniques for ending trances and reclaiming your energy to be Toltec Recapitulation. Feel free to receive that teaching through my recorded class (on my website) or contact me for a direct transmission session of Toltec Recapitulation.

For a deeper exploration of how to exit trance states and come into full presence, I include a module in my Energy Medicine Course.

It’s amazing how much energy can return to you when you free yourself from trances and experience the healing rejuvenating power of your true presence.

I wish for you, the deepest grace of the light of your own pure presence

All my love,
Isa Lara Marié
This is for all beings everywhere; may you know wholeness.


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